Archive for December, 2012
We Ought to be in Pictures!
Monday, December 17th, 2012
By Colleen Schuler, e-Management
Argo, starring Ben Affleck (who also directs the film) has received five Golden Globe nominations including Best Picture. The movie also finds its way on our Best of 2012 list.
Aah, movies…gotta luv ‘em. They can be so entertaining and delightful. Somewhat painful too, if you pay full price and get popcorn! But I digress. 
Here are some of the movies, I’ve seen this year (starting with the most recent)…plus some sneak peeks for upcoming flicks.
Argo – Awesome, awesome flick! Based on the true story of six Americans who escaped during the Iran hostage crisis of 1979. Great script, pacing, and tension but humorous too. Suspenseful, even if you know the outcome. I can see why there’s Oscar buzz about this film. Stay through the first part of the credits to see real photos and hear a voiceover by President Carter. 
Marvel’s The Avengers – Oooh, what fun! If you like superhero movies, you’ll love this. Action-packed and full of crowd-pleasing humor. A long movie but it doesn’t drag. Tip: Stay through the credits. 
Moonrise Kingdom – A quirky, funny film; thoroughly enjoyed it. Set in 1965 on an island off New England, two 12-year-olds fall in love and decide to run away. And everyone is trying to find them before the big storm hits. Great ensemble cast, with Frances McDormand, Bruce Willis, Bill Murray, and Ed Norton. 
The Artist – Well, I had doubts about this going in…but I liked it! It’s a silent (well, 99.99% silent!) movie about an aging silent screen actor whose luster is fading at the same time a star is rising for the ingénue that he helped. Really liked the movie’s score, too. The two main actors are delightful but I think the dog steals the show!! 
The Hunger Games –The nation of Panem (once North America) has 12 districts and the Capitol. The districts once rebelled (and lost) against the Capitol; as punishment and a reminder not to rebel again, the Capitol has created the Hunger Games, where 24 “Tributes” (one boy and one girl from each district) are forced to compete against each other—to the death. Action and romance abound! Definitely not for young kids. 
Skyfall – If you’re a fan of—Bond, James Bond—movies, you’ll love this. Great action, great villains! Liked the opening number by Adele, too. And Daniel Craig always provides some great eye candy! 
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy – Remake of the 1979 espionage thriller based on the novel by John le Carré. Very engaging; you need to pay attention but it’s not as hard as I thought it was to keep track. 
The Dark Knight Rises – Not bad for the conclusion of the Batman trilogy, I enjoyed it. Long movie, though, make sure you have plenty of popcorn! Anne Hathaway steals the show as Catwoman. ½
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel – For various reasons, a group of British citizens decide to spend their retirement at an “exotic” hotel and it’s not at all like the brochure! Great ensemble cast – Judi Dench, Tom Wilkinson, Maggie Smith, Bill Nighy to name a few; also stars Dev Patel from Slumdog Millionaire. ½
Prometheus – A prequel to the Alien movies, so to speak. Special effects enhanced by a good story that’s more suspenseful than scary. 
One for the Money – Oh, I want to cry. If you are not familiar with the Stephanie Plum novels by Janet Evanovich, let me acquaint you. The novels are laugh-out-loud funny but unfortunately, the movie was anything but. Totally miscast. Save it for when you can see it for free. Or better yet, read the books! 
Current and Future Films
You’ll have to carve out sometime this month to watch all these movies: Life of Pi, Wreck-it Ralph, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Jack Reacher (love the books by Lee Child), Les Miserables, This is 40, and don’t hate me for this – A Good Day to Die Hard (opening in February).
What’s on your ‘Best of 2012’ Movie List?
Do you agree with my ratings above? What other films were hits with you in 2012? What movies are you looking forward to seeing this month and next year?
Tags: 2012, A Good Day to Die Hard, Argo, best of, blog, Colleen Schuler, , Jack Reacher, Les Miserables, Marvel’s The Avengers, Moonrise Kingdom, movies, Ola Sage, One for the Money, Prometheus, Skyfall, Soldier, Spy, Tailor, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, The Dark Knight Rises, The Hobbit, The Hunger Games, This is 40, Tinker
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To Eat or Not to Eat?
Friday, December 7th, 2012
By Dagmar Alayash, e-Management
Many of us know all too well that our food consumption will increase, calories will be ignored, and exercise regimes thrown to the wayside during the holiday season. So, what’s the best approach to take before getting engulfed in this food frenzy season?
Here we are again in the middle of the festive season; how did it arrive so soon? Does your mind go into high gear just thinking about all that needs to be done? Well, our (the e-Management Foodie Blog Team’s) minds are on holiday eating. For us, it’s about the fun and the enjoyable activities that bring family, friends, and strangers together. Holiday eating is also about making decisions on the planning and food preparation.
Dedicated to Eating…If you’re a dedicated foodie like us, or just like to eat holiday food, it’s time to relish in the seasonal activity of eating and cooking, with plenty of opportunities for enjoying good food, practicing your creativity skills in the kitchen and finding time to relax. Yes, with a little bit of planning and preparation, you’ll find time to rest too! We hope you find the following tips and hints helpful.
Keeping it healthy: Before & After…Many of us know all too well that our food consumption will increase, calories will be ignored, and exercise regimes thrown to the wayside during the holiday season. So, what’s the best approach to take before getting engulfed in this food frenzy season? One answer is to “keep it simple.” A “Before and After” approach can work wonders. A few weeks or even a few days before your anticipated seasonal eating sessions, start reducing your calorie intake, walking, running, or exercising; simply moving more helps burn calories. (We invite you to check out the American Heart Association exercise guidelines.) The idea is to make it as simple and effortless as possible and to allow you to indulge in your favorite food items when the time comes.
To Brine or Not to Brine…If you’re cooking the meal, one of the hardest steps is deciding on what to prepare. So many ways to roast a turkey, or perhaps smoke or grill one, and to brine or not to brine is the question. A note on brining here; there are no hard and fast rules as to what you can include in the brine, and they usually start with water and salt, with sugar and herbs and spices added too. It’s easy, quick and requires no special equipment other than a large container or a cooler. The turkey does not need basting and will turn out moist and juicy. Check out this popular tried and true Turkey Roasting recipe from Alton Brown from the Food Network. If you prefer to roast a regular non-brined turkey, check out this easy recipe.
On to the Sides…One excellent way to prepare vegetable side dishes is roasting them. Roasting vegetables enhances their flavors and preserves nutrients and is very easy and relatively quick. Just a splash of olive oil, kosher salt, and a couple cloves of garlic thrown in is sometimes all that is needed to transform plain vegetables into delectable side dishes. Root vegetables such as turnip, rutabaga, carrots, beets onions, and beets also roast well. If brussel sprouts aren’t one of your favorite vegetables, try adding a hint of honey, vinegar, and red pepper, and you may wonder how come they taste so good. Check out this brussel sprouts recipe.
Wait. There’s more…Are you full yet? Leave room for desserts and savor the moment! If you really want to keep healthy during the holiday season, incorporate fruit, nuts, and whole grain items. Try these foodie websites for a variety of holiday favorites; plus healthy cooking tips incorporated into some traditional dishes: Cooking Light; Live Better America; The Food Network ; All Recipes ; and .
Sounds like Too Much Work? Other options for holiday eating include getting ready made dinners including all the trimmings from a local grocery store—an excellent value and a variety of items from which to choose. Most importantly, enjoy your holiday eating, don’t feel guilty, splurging here and there on your favorite foods is okay at this time of year. After all you have taken the “Before and After” approach…. 
So Are You Ready for the Holidays? What are your holiday eating tips, recommendations, and perhaps some of your favorite holiday season recipes? We’d love to hear from you.
Tags: All Recipes, American Heart Association, blog, Christmas, Cooking Light, Dagmar Alayash, Dining, , Food Network, foodie, Live Better America, New Year's Eve, Ola Sage,
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