By Dennis Powell, e-Management

Believe it or not, you can eat well during the Holidays and not worry about piling on the pounds. How? Check out our 4 fun tips.
It’s that time of the year again. Today is the first day of Chanukah. Christmas is just under a week away, and Kwanzaa celebrations start shortly thereafter. From Thanksgiving to New Year, many of us will pile on extra pounds. But this year will be different because we have a plan for you!
In usual form, here are tips for staying on the bandwagon of eating well.
Enjoy Smaller Portions: Most of us are very used to piling on mountains of foods during the holidays. We recommend you start with smaller hills first.
In other words, smaller portions mean fewer calories, which may help to save you from expensive shopping excursions for new skirts and pants because your older ones aren’t fitting the way they use to. We know, we know—the cleaners shrunk them again (at least that’s your story–and you’re sticking to it, right?!)
- Get Organized! Find a Teammate: Many of us would rather avoid gaining additional weight during this festive season. But somehow, we find ourselves picking up 2-5 additional pounds and keep them on throughout the year—only to pile on more 12 months from now. Clearly, you are NOT alone; so find a buddy (spouse, sibling, house guest) who will share the responsibility of eating well this holiday season. Each of you will provide friendly reminders throughout dinner to stick to smaller portions (see Tip 1).
- Don’t Let Desserts Get the Best of You: Instead, get the best selection of the desserts. It’s as easy as sharing slices with your “teammate” (see Tip 2). Together the two of you can sample the cheesecakes and the pies. Eat slowly and focus on enjoying your treat rather than rushing for the next slice. Just remember, each of you is having half portions!
- Recruit Your BBF for Fun Activities: Following the holidays, you may experience guilt because, let’s face it, you (and the rest of us) went overboard. Again! *smiles* But just like any other crisis in life, what should you do? That’s right. Consult with your BFF (best friend forever). Seasonal BBFs can be your dinner teammate, partner, spouse, daughter/son, or neighbor. Together you and your seasonal BFF should set aside 3 times during the week to do fun activities such as dancing, walking, jogging, bicycling, hiking, and other interests designed to help you melt away unwanted holiday calories.
Time to Eat!
These simple tips may be useful to keeping the pounds at bay during (and after) the holidays. Still, temptation and cravings can get the best of you. Just remember that’s okay. Be sure to make time for your favorite fun activities to burn a few of those calories you piled on during the Holidays.
Now that the unpleasantries are out of the way, can we get to the business of giving thanks, eating our favorite holiday foods, and having fun with friends and family?! What are you most thankful for this year? Do you have any special plans for Holidays? Where is your big feast this year? What are your favorite food items during end-of-year celebrations?
Thanks for supporting our blog and Happy Holidays from everyone at e-Management.
(Note: This blog is for entertainment purposes only and is NOT intended to cure any disease, ailment, or condition. As always, consult your medical doctor and your nutritionist before trying any new food product to determine if it is appropriate for you.)