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e-Gov Risk Portfolio Manager™

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Why eGov Risk Portfolio Manager™?

U.S. federal agency executives and decision makers daily face a staggering number and variety of threats and risks associated with the successful performance of agency missions. eGov Risk Portfolio Manager™  (eGov RPM™) sets the
standard for continuous risk management and compliance, allowing users to prioritize and centrally track and manage agency risk information.

.   Easy to use
Out of the box, eGov RPM comes with a robust suite of features that are tailored for government solutions and comply with major government-wide requirements (from OMB, NIST, etc.) for risk management. eGov RPM puts control back into the hands of users, allowing you to track and manage your own risks without requiring highly specialized
technical support. eGov RPM allows customers to automate NIST’s continuous monitoring requirements by producing NIST compliant controls testing documentation in an efficient and accurate manner.

.  Customized to suit your needs
eGov RPM is fully configurable, allowing users to define risk categories, manage hierarchies of asset and risk information, and customize naming conventions for risk-related reports based on your organization’s needs.

.  Easy data migration
The software’s open architecture allows data from other systems to be easily migrated into eGov RPM. Risk information captured for requirements such as capital planning, project management, information security, and enterprise architecture can now all be centrally located in one risk repository. This risk repository approach allows users to capture risk information once and respond to multiple business requirements.

.  Hosting flexibility
On-site: eGov RPM can be deployed in your own environment, allowing you to manage your hardware, software, and upgrade processes directly.

Provider managed service: eGov RPM can be hosted by a vendor of your choosing in their environment.

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• e-Management reports its flagship product eGov Risk Portfolio Manager™ (eGov RPM™) has reached the century milestone—100 user licenses sold to federal government agencies including the Departments of Energy (DOE), Health and Human Services (HHS), Transportation (DOT), Commerce (DOC), and Interior (DOI).
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