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Archive for December, 2010

What Are the Best and Worst Movies of 2010? Well, “It’s Up in the Air.”

Monday, December 20th, 2010

by  Colleen Schuler and Dennis Powell, e-Management

Are you planning to check out the Golden Globe®-nominated, psycho-thriller The Black Swan starring Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis? It’s on our list of movies to see this Holiday Season.

Are you planning to check out the Golden Globe®-nominated, psycho-thriller The Black Swan starring Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis? It’s on our list of movies to see this Holiday Season.

Last’s year Best and Worst of 2009 Film blog thread was such a big success; we decided to make our list an annual event.  e-Management resident film critic Colleen Schuler and regular e-Management blogger Dennis Powell offer up their lists of must-see silver screen gems.

Colleen Picks Up in the Air as One of Her Favorites…
Up in the Air – I couldn’t figure out how a film about a corporate downsizer was winning rave reviews – but then i saw it. No visual effects, car chases….just a very good story well told. Clooney’s character loves what he does…but you see the effect it has on his relationships.   5estarsnew1

Toy Story 3 – Loved, loved this movie! There may be some scary parts for the wee ones (who thought a baby doll could look and be so ominous?) but it’s a great family movie. Ken (Barbie’s BFF) is a scene stealer. I think older generations will get the bigger kick out of it! 5estarsnew1

Avatar – Are you one of the few who hasn’t seen this movie? You missed out! So, ok, the plot wasn’t the most original but what a gorgeous film to look at – especially on the big screen. I even saw it in 3D too. 4estarsnew ½

Inception – If you love a puzzle, you should like this! Oh, and you have to suspend reality! I had read that you should just enjoy the experience of the film and try to figure it out later. But I didn’t think it was too complicated. See it in an IMAX theater if you can—it’s worth the extra money.   4estarsnew ½

How to Train Your Dragon – Great family movie. Some scenes may be a bit scary for the wee ones but overall, very fun and a good message. 4estarsnew

Secretariat – Even though you know the outcome, it’s still a great feel-good movie. Very family friendly. I liked seeing in on the big screen. 4estarsnew

The Social Network – Very interesting story (with Hollywood’s perspective, I’m sure) on how Facebook was founded. Justin Timberlake also does a great job as the wheeler-dealer (who created Napster). But this movie can play with your mind…you begin to question yourself…”Why didn’t I think of that? How come I’m not that smart?” Personally, I chose to take the moral high ground and realize that being smart and worth about $25 billion isn’t everything!!! 4estarsnew

Ghost Writer – This movie is about a journalist tasked to write the biography of a former British prime minister with dark secrets. Very suspenseful political thriller although Colleen felt the comparison to Tony Blair was a bit heavy-handed. 3estarsnew½

The Young Victoria – There’s sweetness about this romance of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Great date movie according to Colleen. 3estarsnew ½

Knight and Day – OK, so I thought I’d end my moratorium on all things Cruise and I’m glad I did (unless of course, he starts jumping on a couch again). Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz make this film work – there’s good chemistry between them. Cruise plays a secret agent (or is he a traitor?); Diaz’s character gets caught up in the ride. Unbelievable action sequences and plot lines but fun! 3estarsnew

Robin Hood – Think of this movie as a prequel…it’s more about how Robin Longstride came to be Robin Hood. (Hmmm, we wonder if there’s a sequel in the making?) Colleen was pleasantly surprised since the reviews were mixed. 3estarsnew

SALT – Whew! Non-stop action…a good ride. I think I see a sequel coming! 3estarsnew

The A-Team – You don’t need to have watched the TV series to enjoy the movie. I liked Bradley Cooper (The Hangover) in the role of “Faceman” Peck.  2estarsnew½

Dennis Provides a Touch Edge…
I agree with Colleen’s take on most of her picks. I would give Salt a higher rating (4e) and Inception somewhat lower (4e) grade since that movie had a lot of similar themes and plot twists as  Leonardo DiCaprio’s previous Shutter Island thriller. Disclaimer, I like my movies with more edge and darkness. Check ratings before taking young ones.

Alice in Wonderland – Director Tim Burton is visionary and offers some of the most eye-popping images ever captured on film. Johnny Depp nails his role as the Mad Hatter and Helena Bonham Carter brilliantly brings the Red Queen to life. These three powerhouses of film helped to make this movie top $1 billion and become one of this year’s best films! 5estarsnew1

Kick-Ass – Rated R for violence, this comic-book-style action movie is NOT for children and certainly NOT for everyone. But Nicolas Cage’s convincingly eerie performance coupled with great action scenes and unpredictable plots twists make this film destined to be a cult-classic. 4estarsnew

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World – Easily one of the most interesting and creative films of the year. Up and coming young actor Michael Cera is amazing in this role. The movie is surprisingly action intensive and somewhat charming. Very hip. Very fun.   4estarsnew

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse - This is hands-down the best film in the series. Far less wining from the Bella and more development of the many of the primary and secondary characters.  The action and fight scenes are downright epic. 3estarsnew

What’s the Worst?
We don’t really see bad movies.  So, we’ll pass this year on naming movies to avoid. On a lighter note, we both recommend seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part I; The Chronicles of Narnia; Tangled; Black Swan; The Town; The Fighter; True Grit; Tron; and Morning Glory.

What’s on Your List?
So, what is your assessment of our 2010 hit list? What movies would you recommend that you’ve seen or would like to? What movies should we avoid? Let’s chat!