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Archive for August, 2012

Back to School. Back to Work. Back to Reality.

Thursday, August 16th, 2012

by Dennis Powell, e-Management

Still dreaming of your summer vacation? Relax. Fall is just as fun!

Still dreaming of your summer vacation? Relax. Fall is just as fun!

It’s August. So naturally, many students are dreading the end to their summer vacation. They are not alone. Some parents are bracing for the back to school demands from their children and the inevitable expenses that come along with kids wanting the coolest new gadgets and Fall fashion ensembles. Since Labor Day is just around the corner, August is indicative of summer’s end. This month is also a reminder that it’s time to get: Back to School. Back to Work. Back to Reality. No worries. In usual form, e-Management has a few tips to help you in your transitions from summer to autumn.

Making the Transition to Autumn is as Easy as 1-2-3

  1. Back to School is great for everyone—seriously! Retailers around the country are offering back to school sales on just about everything. The reports that popular retailers like J.C. Penney and Abercrombie & Fitch are enticing customers with special deals and freebies. Looking to replace your 7-year old computer? Stop by your favorite electronics to find discounts on computers, tablets, and laptops. Even high-definition monitor and television prices are being rolled back for the sake of Back to School. Many book stores and online retailers are also offering great deals on print or e-Books. Are you a “fashionista?” Well, this Back to School season can be a great time to save money on fall clothing and shoes. So, celebrate the end of the summer with a sensible autumn shopping spree thanks to Back to School sales.
  2. Back to Work doesn’t mean it’s all about work. Blogger Tai Goodwin offers a few tips in making the transition from vacation to work. When you get back from vacation, be sure to make a commitment to taking pockets of time devoted to relaxation or special activities; whether solo, with friends, or family. Don’t be afraid to plan your next vacation or time-off. If you have photos from your vacation, add them to your office desktop as a screen saver on your computer or smartphone. The photos may help to keep you in a relaxed state of mind at work and ultimately help you become more productive.
  3. Back to Reality isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It simply means that many of us will be focusing more on building our future through education (e.g., diplomas, degrees, certifications, expertise) or work (e.g., promotions, financial stability, exciting projects, new business). According to the latest Rasmussen survey, spring and summer are our favorite seasons. Still, autumn has its benefits. For instance, fall usually means more time spent indoors which can translate into more time with family and friends. Even if you are not the “indoor type,” the season’s comfortably mild weather is perfect for long walks, cycling, running, or hiking. Depending on where you live, the tree foliage may be absolutely amazing to watch. Fall also means the return of football, live theater, big releases from our favorite musical acts, and some of our favorite television shows. So, “back to reality” isn’t THAT bad after all, right?

Back to You.
Are you ready for the school season? With summer coming to an end in a few short weeks, how are you planning to transition to autumn? Will work be more or less busy? Do you have any special events for the upcoming season? In your book, how does autumn compare to the others seasons?