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Archive for August, 2014


Thursday, August 7th, 2014

By Sayoh Mansaray, e-Management

Did you know that the Google Hangouts app is good for social networking and online group conversations at home or work?

Did you know that the Google Hangouts app is good for social networking and online group conversations at home or work?

In today’s social media saturated world, it is nearly impossible to avoid using social media in the workplace. In fact, incorporating social media tools has many benefits, and can help employees continue to be productive by encouraging collaboration. Combining social media tools such as Google Hangouts with the workplace can also help bring different generations of workers together.

What is Google Hangouts?
Google Hangouts is a platform that offers video conferencing and instant messaging. The free service is similar to Skype, which is a program on which users can chat via webcam or instant messaging.

Nowadays most workers have demanding schedules, and face-to-face meetings can be nearly impossible to organize. With Google Hangouts, people can come together, as a group — virtually. The platform acts as a stand-in for face-to-face interaction, and allows employees to communicate. Users can access the platform from their personal computers, and can interact even if they are miles away from each other.

How do you use Google Hangouts?
Individual users first need to create a Gmail account. Once the Gmail account is created, the user is automatically given a Google+ account. Google+ is then used to log onto Google Hangouts.

What are the pros and cons to using Google Hangouts?


  • No cost to use the platform
  • Easy to download and learn how to use
  • Ability to mimic face to face interaction
  • Allows users who are far away to participate


  • Limited number of people (15) can sign onto the hangout at one time
  • Convincing “social media averse” coworkers to join in can be a challenge (although the ease of use is a great selling point)

What is an example of Google Hangouts being used in the professional world?
A federal program office facilitates Citizens’ Advisory Boards (CABs) across the country. One CAB uses Google Hangouts for some of its committee meetings. Board members who live further away are able to attend meetings that they may have otherwise had to miss. A significant portion of the board members are unaccustomed to social media, and have found Google Hangouts easy and convenient to use.

Where will Google Hangouts go in the future?
It is very likely Google Hangouts will continue to grow. The use of the platform will most likely become more widespread, especially as demands in the workplace become more challenging.  (1) What are your thoughts on social media, especially Google Hangouts, at work? (2) Do you currently use Google Hangouts in the workplace, and if so, does it work well for you? (3) Where do you predict the platform will go in the future? (4) Do you think video conferencing will ever be able to completely replace face-to-face meetings?