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Archive for April, 2014

Becoming a STAR

Wednesday, April 9th, 2014

By Dennis Powell, e-Management

The politics around global warming ain’t pretty.  :-) All jokes aside, being more conscious of our energy consumption and searching for cleaner forms of energy are not liberal, moderate, or conservative ways of thinking. Energy efficiency, conservation, and renewal forms of energy are global considerations and perhaps better ways of doing things to ensure a more ideal future.

The EPA says energy efficiency saves us money!

The EPA says energy efficiency saves us money!


  1. Energy efficiency is good for the environment! As many of you know, e-Management supports causes and campaigns that focus on education, energy, and the elimination of poverty. Currently, we are wrapping up yet another successful ENERGY STAR campaign for 2013-2014. A voluntary program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ENERGY STAR has had a real impact on reducing “significant” greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through the pledges and actions of millions of people. Why is this important? Well, excessive greenhouse gases may lead to significant increases in temperature, which could result in more severe weather conditions including more frequent and destructive storms, as well as longer and harsher droughts.
  2. Energy efficiency is good for business! Energy efficiency leads to a better economy according to the EPA. How? The Alliance to Save Energy points to hundreds of thousands of jobs that have been created through energy-efficient building projects and the new jobs that are being created from innovations developed to improve energy consumption and efficiency.
  3. Energy efficiency saves you tons of money! Taking energy conservation seriously can save you tons of money. Did you know ENERGY STAR appliances can help American households cut electricity costs by nearly a third? Additionally, getting rid of conventional incandescent light bulbs can help you save up to 80% in energy costs, according to the Alliance to Save Energy.
  4. Energy efficiency could save lives. Livescience, an online tech and science publication with more than 8 million readers, report that reducing greenhouse gas emissions “could prevent up to 3 million premature deaths annually by the year 2100.” Those figures are based in part due to low air pollutants, which may lead to serious illnesses.

Becoming an “energy star.”
According to the EPA, energy efficiency reduces concerns around “the challenges of high energy prices, energy security and independence, air pollution, and global climate change.” Becoming an “energy star”—doing your part by being more energy conscious—is one of the best contributions you can leave for future generations. So, (1) are you concerned about issues around energy creation, consumption, or the impact energy has on the environment? (2) What policies, if any, would you enact when it comes to energy? Finally, (3) do you have any energy saving tips to share?