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Archive for September, 2012

Guilty as charged!

Thursday, September 13th, 2012

By Dennis Powell, e-Management

In our previous blog entry, we dealt with what’s great about the upcoming fall season. But autumn for me means the conclusion of one of my guilty pleasures. Yes, I said guilty pleasure—those things we love but are oftentimes too embarrassed to admit because they may lead people to think less of us. What is my guilty pleasure? I am a Big Brother (on the CBS television network) fanatic. Basically, the premise of this reality series is several “house guests” are closed off from the world during the summer. They compete in mental and physical competitions and are eventually voted off one by one. The winner receives a half million dollars! The show attracts millions of viewers every week and fans can watch the 24-hour live feeds of house guests’ antics, strategies, and backstabbing. What’s not to like?

Spending more than $110 billion every year on fast foods alone, Americans are addicted to their guilty pleasure: Junk foods such as sugary snacks, salty treats, and fried meals.

Spending more than $110 billion every year on fast foods alone, Americans are addicted to their guilty pleasure: Junk foods such as sugary snacks, salty treats, and fried meals.

I know. I know. I know.
I really shouldn’t like Big Brother…but I do.  :-) Still, this blog thread isn’t about me. It’s about all of us. What are our guilty pleasures? Well, I pulled together some of America’s biggest guilty pleasures.

  1. Reality television: Apparently, I am not the only person who appreciates “lowbrow” entertainment such as Big Brother and the Real Housewives of… (pick a country, city, or state).  :-) According to The Nielsen Company, reality television programs attracted 56.4 percent of all viewers during the 2010-2011 season. Apparently, we cannot get enough of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo Child, American Idol, The Voice, Basketball Wives, Hell’s Kitchen, Jersey Shore, X-Factor, and the lists goes on.
  2. Bacon: According to WebMD, 68 percent of the calories in bacon come from fat. The popular food is also loaded with salt (sodium) and cholesterol. Experts warn against the extreme health risks associated with diets rich in fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Yet, there is no denying that “everything tastes better with bacon.” A recent survey by Maple Leaf Foods Inc. indicated that more than half of households in the U.S.A. always have bacon ready to cook. I think I know a few vegans who still eat bacon. Vegan bacon. There are even recipes floating around on social media sites for chocolate chips cookies with a bacon bits baked inside. Ewwwww.
  3. Junk food: Junk food is the Kryptonite to billions of people on the planet. So, it should come as no surprise that we’ve added it to our guilty pleasure roster. Even celebrity chefs fall prey to the pure awesomeness of junk foods. For instance, did you know famed culinary genius Mario Batali loves Doritos® brand tortilla chips and that BLT executive chef and partner Laurent Tourondel loves Krispy Kreme donuts? So, I guess everyday foodies shouldn’t feel too badly when we stand in the block long line at Georgetown Cupcake. Right?
  4. Movies: Americans are famous for loving “bad” movies with big budgets. The worst movies seem to come during the summer blockbuster season, where Hollywood spends a lot of money on special effects and pretty faces; and pay less attention on script and substance. Still, there are other non-summer movies that some of us love but are ashamed to admit we spent our hard-earned money to see. Examples of guilty pleasure movies that are highly successful are the Twilight series, where vampires walk during the day and humans willingly become vampires. Really? Most of my friends won’t admit they’ve seen any of the movies, yet those are the first they reach for when going through my film collection. Go figure. lol

I want more.
There are certainly more guilty pleasures such as social media app games, video games, soap operas, professional wrestling, and fashion. But I would like to hear from you. (1) What are your guilty pleasures? (2) Do your friends, family, or colleagues ever tease for you loving those embarrassing interests?

Note: Let’s keep our guilty pleasures family-friendly. Thank you for supporting our blog and sharing your comments.