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Posts Tagged ‘United Way’

Dollars That Count

Tuesday, August 11th, 2015

By Dennis Powell, e-Management

e-Management supports A Wider Circle, a charity focused on eliminating poverty. What are your favorite causes or charities?

e-Management supports A Wider Circle, a charity focused on eliminating poverty. What are your favorite causes or charities? #mypriority #AWiderCircle

Charitable giving which includes financial support, in-kind donations, and volunteering can be one of the most fulfilling things anyone can do. Yet, there are actually some charities that take advantage of the public’s generosity. How are a few nonprofits getting over on donors? Well, CNN reported that the nation’s 50 worst charities” wastefully paid fundraising companies almost $1 billion during a 10-year span. Even more concerning, these same 50 charities gave “less than 4% of donations raised to direct cash aid.” In other words, if I give $100 to my favorite cause, only four dollars go to programs that support real action.

So, how can consumers find charities that focus on maximizing donations for people and causes rather than consultants and executives? e-Management has gathered a few tips that may help anyone who is thinking about giving to charities…

  1. Confirm that the charity is real. The Charity Navigator—a nonprofit with the mission to help empower people to give intelligently—recommends donors confirm the 501(c) (3) status of charities prior to committing any dollar to a cause. In the United States, 501(c) (3) organizations are tax-exempt nonprofits that meet special requirements under Section 501(c) of the United States Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. § 501(c)). Donations to these organizations are tax-deductible. According to the Charities Review Council, consumers may also be able to deduct expenses incurred while volunteering at these nonprofits as well as get a deduction on some of the cost of attending a charity event sponsored by 501(c) (3) organizations.
  2. Request an annual report. Not all 501(c) (3) organizations are run efficiently to maximize dollars that support their causes. CNN exposed a Florida based charity that raises millions of dollars every year, yet it spent “less than 3 cents on the dollar helping kids.” In contrast, e-Management works with , a 501(c) (3) with only 2% overhead (operational expenses) and the charity is committed to using fundraising dollars to directly “serve those in poverty.” Clearly, A Wider Circle is putting its donations toward advancing its mission! Donors can get financial information about charities by requesting an annual report or a statement of activities. An annual report gives donors insight into how a nonprofit uses its resources and oftentimes showcases the successes of their programs. Some annual reports will even explicitly list top donors, which may offer additional peace of mind for donors.
  3. Build a relationship with your charity. Charities are living organizations that may experience highs and lows. Many nonprofits rely heavily on private donations. Once a charity has been qualified as a 501(c) (3) that provides services to advance its mission, consumers may want to consider setting up automatic and periodic donations (e.g., monthly, annual) to their trusted charity. Donors may even consider volunteering a few hours every week or month. Another option for donors is to find out how they can become social media advocates to help their cause secure additional supporters, volunteers, and donors. Supporters of charities may also want to attend annual fundraising events and invite their family and friends to buy tickets. Seasoned leaders, managers, directors, or executives may want to consider joining planning committees or boards of advisors/directors of their favorite charities to ensure of the organizations’ long-term success.
  4. Learn about new charity scams. It seems as if every day there is a new online or telemarketing charity scam that targets people who want to make the world a better place. The good news is that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the consumer protection agency, makes identifying such scams easy. Donors can visit the FTC website, which gives consumers a Charity Checklist to help them avoid costly scams. Click for more information. It’s that simple!

What charities or causes are right for you?

Forbes magazine ranks the in the countries based on private support and other criteria. The on the list are United Way, Salvation Army, and Feeding America. (1) Did your favorite charity make it on the Forbes list? (2) What are your favorite causes? (3) What do you look for in an organization when you donate?

Helping Our Gulf Coast Neighbors Get Their Lives Back

Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

By Dennis Powell, e-Management

This photo of the oil spill shows that impact the spill has had on the Gulf Coast region.

This photo of the oil spill shows that impact the spill has had on the Gulf Coast region.

April 20, 2010 changed our environment forever. That was the day of the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig off the shore of Louisiana. Eleven workers were killed. Events of that day would lead to the largest environmental catastrophe in United States history.

The spill has taken a lot longer that hoped to be fully contained. For months following the spill, there have been public relations gaffs from oil company executives. Who can forget the now infamous quote from then BP CEO Tony Hayward: “We’re sorry for the massive disruption it’s caused to their [i.e., Gulf Coast residents] lives…There’s no one who wants this thing over more than I do, I’d like my life back.” Did he really say that? 

Oh, let’s not forget the initial criticism of the Obama administration for not acting soon enough in response to the spill. And what about the impact the accident has had on local economies and marine life in the Gulf of Mexico?

What happened April 20 is still pending investigation. While Louisiana has gotten the lion’s share of publicity relating to the oil spill, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and Texas have also been affected. Sure, there has been a lot of blame. But pointing fingers is not our style. Instead, e-Management has pulled together a list of organizations (listed below in alphabetical order) that are helping to minimize the impact of the spill to those who live in that region.

Alabama Governor’s Office of Faith Based Community Initiatives
The Alabama Governor’s Office of Faith Based Community Initiatives will steer you in the right direction if you are interested in donating or assisting with recovery efforts specific to Alabama.

Audubon of Florida
If the wildlife of Florida is important to you, contact the Audubon of Florida, which has a special oil spill fund, and provides information on how you may volunteer in the recovery efforts.

Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans
This faith-based organization  is helping improve lives of more than 5,000 families through donations, crisis counseling, food, food vouchers, gift cards, baby formula, and diapers.

These workers are helping out in the recovery efforts. Do you plan to help Gulf Coast residents get their lives back?

These workers are helping out in the recovery efforts. Do you plan to help Gulf Coast residents get their lives back?

The Greater New Orleans Foundation
This has established a special Gulf Spill Oil Fund as part of its continued commitment to the community it serves. You can support this foundation through charitable giving.

Louisiana Serve Commission
The Louisiana Serve Commission encourages communities “to build and sustain high quality programs that meet the needs of Louisiana’s citizens and promote an ethic of service.” Recent projects relating to spill recovery includes a call to action from Louisiana’s First Lady who organized a school supplies drive.

National Wildlife Federation
If you are concerned about the environmental impact of the spill and want to jumpstart that recovery, the National Wildlife Federation  has a special emergency fund you can support.

The United Way Gulf Recovery Fund
The provides immediate emergency relief assistance and resources to persons affected by the Gulf disaster. The fund assists with food, rent, education, finance, and health challenges.

Lending a Helping Hand
This list comprises only a handful of organizations that are a part of the solution to the most significant oil spill of our time. While e-Management does not endorse any of these organizations, we do want to provide you with a starting point and hope this inspires you to lend a helping hand.

What Are Your Solutions?
So, what are you or your community doing to help with the aftermath of the Gulf oil spill?  Are there any organizations or activities we omitted from our short list? How do you think this oil spill will help or distract from environmental safeguards to protect our oceans, food supply, and economy?