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Unplugging in a Wired World (Revisited)

Monday, October 19th, 2015

by Dennis Powell, e-Management

 Are you more focused on your online or social media world than your in-person communications and interactions? (Photo Credit: blog.doctoroz.com)

Are you more focused on your online or social media world than your in-person communications and interactions? (Photo Credit: blog.doctoroz.com)

Let’s keep it real. Many of us are addicted to e-mail, social media, and all things Internet. If you think you are not obsessed with online technology, think about what life would be like if wireless networks went down and you had to live without your tablets (iPad, Google, Windows, Samsung, etc.) or mobile phones (Android, Blackberry, iPhone, etc.) for a few days. *add horror show music here*  :-)

Sure Internet-enabled technology has its benefits, including quick access to family members, lower cost for long distance communications; portable music, literature, and movies; and instant access to information about virtually any topic. Nevertheless, there are drawbacks. The online world may lead some of us to experience feelings of depression or anxiety. Then there is the fact that everything on the Internet is essentially traceable—leaving users vulnerable to online spies, con artists, or predators.

Tips to Unplug from the Internet, Apps, Games, or Social Media
The capacity for others to see our most intimate online communications is a little too “Big Brother” for my taste. Add to that, online communications can be extremely demanding on your time. So, I got to thinking. Are there ways people can unplug to become better connected to old fashion human interaction? Are they tricks to protect users from Internet surveillance or online predators? So I pulled together this short tip list.

  1. Try logging off for a weekend: Personally, Monday through Friday is the time I am most connected via mobile phone, text messaging, social media, and the Internet for work and personal use. During the weekends, I have essentially put in place an online moratorium. As a result, my weekends are free from various Internet interruptions and I can spend time with people who are dearest to me. In addition, I discourage the use of tech devices with the exception of the occasional camera phone when I am with my family and friends.
  2. Try blocking off time away from the Internet, online games, and mobile devices: Think about it, many parents limit their children’s access to television as a way to provide balance in their kids’ lives. Try using the same concept when it comes to your mobile devices and online communications (texting, social media, games, apps). If a weekend is too long for you to be offline, consider establishing a weekly or bi-monthly family and friend’s night out. Turn off the phones and Internet devices and keep them in “airplane” mode so that you are disconnected from the web, and can now focus on meaningful connections with loved ones.
  3. Learn how to protect your online privacy: ZDNet, an online tech resource, offered up several lines of protection from online spies including getting rid of social media altogether, turning off all GPS-tracking apps, and quit texting. These recommendations may seem draconian; but these simply activities will reduce how much private information you place on the Internet, making you less vulnerable to spies and hackers.
  4. Create a plan to limit one’s time online: A recent study by Anxiety UK, revealed more than 50% of people surveyed by the organization said they saw their lives change negatively with their increasing online interactions. As it turns out, too much online interaction may lead to online fights; may promote the perception that the user is less capable, attractive, or appealing than others online; and may lead to forms of anxiety. These are compelling reason to limit one’s online time. Try blocking off time for online communications and setting an alarm, which notifies you of when it’s time to “unplug.”

All about Balance
It’s kind of scary when you think about how connected we are to Internet-enabled communications and the impact it can have on our emotions and our very existence. Still, online communication is clearly an enjoyable experience for many of us. So, (1) What tips do you have to maintain a healthy online/offline balance? (2) Does online communication make us more social or anti-social? (3) What are some of the things about mobile devices and their users that drive you crazy?