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Is Big Data a Big Deal?

June 21st, 2016

By Dennis Powell, e-Management

Is Big Data is another way of saying predatory online marketing? You decide.

Is Big Data is another way of saying predatory online marketing? You decide.

Big data as the name suggests is all about large volumes of information. More and more schools, government agencies, retailers, and other organizations are analyzing big data to learn more about people. Big data players include Amazon, Facebook, and Google, to name a few. Naturally, consumer profiling by these and other companies has led many to be a little concerned about issues around privacy and has left other consumers frustrated because of what they see as predatory online marketing. Think about those ads that follow consumers everywhere online following an innocent search on Google or Bing. Yeah, that’s big data analytics at work. But is Big Data bad or good? We’ll let you decide…

The Potentially Bad Stuff…

  • Exclusion Based on Highly Sensitive Data: In a 2016 U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report (Big Data: A Tool for Inclusion or Exclusion?), the federal agency examines big data and fairness. The report raises concerns that companies may be making decisions by “incorporating errors and biases” into big data analytics. Such decisions, according to the report, could result in potential discriminatory harms.” One example given is how analytics from social media “likes” could reveal sensitive information about consumers’ political affiliation, faith, and recreational habits (e.g. smoking, drinking, etc.). Sensitive information taken out of context could lead to excluding consumers from employment opportunities, services, and products.
  • Bad Guys Trying to Dupe Seniors (and Others) into Making Poor Decisions: Big data can be used by individuals and companies looking to scam consumers as well. The same FTC report gives examples of companies obtaining lists from people who respond to sweepstakes or ailing seniors. Apparently, these consumers may be the most susceptible to being victims of fraud.
  • Low-Income Consumers Getting Bad Deals: A Huffington Post article from Nathan Newman explains how big data can harm low-income shoppers. The article points to “free services” that come with the high-price of giving away personal information so that companies that use big data can “exploit” consumers. Examples of this is when finance companies single out low-income consumers by using targeted ads made possible by big data and then markets high-interest rate services such as payday and subprime loans to the audience. Big data obtained from free services and mobile apps can also lead to “price discrimination” where some consumers pay more for the exact same service. Well, that’s definitely not good.

The Potentially Good Stuff…

  • Better Products: Many companies are investing more and more marketing dollars to track what people say and do online—collecting information about what consumers like, dislike, and need. Data collected help companies launch new versions of cool stuff. People who get excited about the latest Samsung or Apple update can probably thank big data analytics for those innovations and new features like a smartphone that keeps working even after you drop it in water. What took them so long to get that one to market? *smiles*
  • Better Service: People do business with people they like. Big data helps companies, schools, and other organizations to tailor a better and arguably more personal experience. Writer Larry Alton points to the fact that organizations that leverage big data get their information from surveys, social media, and other online reactions to offer the best service based on your particular pet-peeves and preferences.
  • Better Deals & Decisions: Many consumers also benefit from websites and apps that use big data to pull together useful information. Think comparison shopping. For instance, couples who are planning to marry get a better idea of costs from a that estimates expenses of weddings. Many motorists cringe when there are signs of auto mechanical issues. Well, there are places to get accurate information on how much drivers should be paying for auto repairs. There’s Nextag® that gives shoppers the power to get the best deal on millions, that’s right millions of products. These convenient tools are all powered by big data analytics.

Your Thoughts…

Like any promising technology, big data analytics can be used to enhance customer experience or exploit vulnerable people. We’d love to hear from you: (1) What are your thoughts on big data?  (2) How much information are you willing to give up to improve your customer experience or bring new products to market? (3) Where does your privacy fit into the big data conversation?

Cybersecurity is mostly about you…

March 28th, 2016

By Dennis Powell, e-Management

cyber attacks

Experts say cybersecurity is 90% YOU and only 10% technology. What are you doing to protect yourself from hackers?

Newsflash! There is no privacy on the Internet. I repeat: There is NO privacy on the Internet. Anyone with a web browser can see everything anyone has ever posted online! That’s according to the e‑Management Chief Information Officer (CIO) team (and numerous other cyber experts). Cyber experts say online security is 90% user and 10% technology. I know it sounds like a lot of responsibility. But securing the things stored on your Internet-enabled devices that are important to you (e.g., finances, pictures, intellectual property, work products, family stories) may be easier than you think.

Clearly, you should invest in anti-virus and anti-malware software or services. But that’s just 10% (technology) of the solution. The other 90%, remember, is you.  Here are a few simple considerations to help you protect yourself from hackers.

  1. Keep work and home separate. We are not talking about a work-life balance here. Keep your work and personal devices separate. Hackers will sometimes target you to steal valuable information about work projects or sensitive customer or client information. Oftentimes, the easiest way to hack a nonprofit, business, or government agency is through the organizations’ staff. Avoid using your smartphone for dual purposes, such as accessing your corporate enterprise network and visiting sites to download apps/games on the same device. Still, it may be best if you talk to your company’s  or agency’s information technology (IT) or cybersecurity team about  BYOD (Bring-Your-Own-Device) policies and best practices before accessing work products from home or downloading personal-use entertainment on business devices.
  2. Be mindful of online phishing and social engineering scams. You’re only human. And that’s what hackers are counting on. They prey on admirable qualities in people, including being helpful and trusting of others. Clever and “social” hackers employ tactics such as having chats with you while claiming to be someone you would normally trust. In reality, their intentions are nefarious—potentially tricking you into giving away clues and facts to obtain sensitive information. Similarly, phishing scam artists carefully craft e-mails and posts on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. The phishing goal is to get you to click on links that launch malware, which downloads to your device and essentially gives hackers free range to your sensitive information and privacy. To protect yourself, never respond to online requests for personally identifiable information such as your full social security number. In addition, do not complete forms within the body of an e-mail message. And, avoid clicking on the links of sensational posts on social media sites.
  3. Avoid tricks that will hold your computer ransom. It’s true. Hackers have an arsenal of malware to infect your computer. Even your cloud files can be destroyed if you’re a victim to ransomware. That’s malware that holds your files hostage and demands payment for you to re-gain access. (As if the anti-virus subscription you paid for was not expensive enough). Hackers have even gone one step further with the encrypted CryptoLocker, which made ransomware headlines last year. How do you get infected? According to a Symantec blog posting, it’s the old enticing e-mail that you just gottah open trick AND then the ransomware infection downloads. The good news is that there is protection for malware/ransomware through security products like Symantec. Also, the e-Management CIO team recommends daily backups of your data to avoid the pain and inconvenience of losing or paying for access to your files.
  4. Get training. But before you sign up for a class, accept the fact that you are important enough to be a target for online predators. Next, take advantage of possible free training available to you. Several government agencies such as the Small Business Administration (SBA) offer free training. One best practice is continuous cybersecurity training. At e-Management, for example, we have a commitment to cybersecurity readiness. One of the first things our employees learn in the training is: There is the possibility that someone will deliberately or accidentally attempt to steal, damage, or misuse the data in our computer system(s).

Remember, online security is 90% user and 10% technology. By the way, if your company needs support figuring out where you may be at risk and what you can do to improve your level of readiness, do . We can help.

Knowledge is protection.

You get it. Cybercrime is on the rise and you have to do something to protect yourself from the cyber-crooks. The recently relaunched e-Management blog will focus on technology and cybersecurity, providing useful tips to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of apps, policy, privacy protection, and consumer tech. So, (1) how do you protect yourself from hackers? (2) Does the organization you work for have clear guidelines around cybersecurity? (3) What are other consumer technology or cyber-focused topics you’d like for the e-Management blog team to tackle?

Restorative Eating AKA Comfort Food

November 24th, 2015
Comfort Food Spotlight: Lentil soup is a nutritious comfort food that is packed with Vitamin C, fiber, zinc, iron, and protein. (Photo Credit: the kitchn)

Comfort Food Spotlight: Lentil soup is a nutritious meal that is packed with Vitamin C, fiber, zinc, iron, and protein. (Photo Credit: the kitchn)

By Dagmar Alayash

It’s this time of year again, and the Foodie Team at e-Management is asking how did we get here so soon? Many of us are reflecting on the past year, and with evenings drawing closer and cooler now, our thoughts turn to the holidays, family, and of course, an array of endless culinary delights.

Food that comforts us…

Speaking of amazing food, we’re taking a look at dishes that are considered comfort food and ask why they are comfort foods? Wikipedia says comfort foods are traditional staples that bring feelings of nostalgia. These foods usually have a “high carbohydrate level” and are simple to prepare. Think chili, soup, and stew dishes. Why do we love these foods so much? Well, the long slow cooking of these dishes intensifies the melding of ingredients, enhances the flavors, and makes for overall delicious satisfying meals.

Soups for the soul…

Becoming more popular are soups and dishes that include ingredients from the ‘Superfood’ category, resulting in not only nutritious, but also very tasty hearty meals. For example , , and . All of these soups are very flavorful and filling. Yes, it can be a lot of chopping, but they are so easy to create, and once you taste the foods, you’ll know it was worth every minute making them. The spinach soup is described as ‘restorative’ in the recipe, which is perhaps what we are looking for in comfort food, something that will give us a lift, make us feel good, and essentially help to restore our energy reserve, which around the holidays can feel depleted at times!

More comforting…

, a comfort food if there ever was one; and one of the best recipes that always receive rave reviews from the Food Network. Like one of the kings of comfort foods Macaroni cheese? Try this cholesterol-free and unimaginable tasty – described as luxurious, savory, mega satisfying and altogether dreamy. Do these words capture most of what we’re looking for when we seek out comfort foods? Sweets and desserts also count as essential in the comfort food arena. Hot chocolate comes to mind and warm cinnamon rolls with the must-have sweet and creamy icing…. the list of comfort sweets is endless.

Morning comfort…

Hearty breakfasts can also be a truly comforting way to start your day, especially at this time of the year. FoodNetwork.com recently listed ‘50 States 50 Breakfasts’, that includes an found in Boise Idaho, Red Feather Lounge, so popular that they frequently sell out within a couple of hours of opening – perhaps 2016 is the year of a foodie vacation planned around visiting Boise Idaho.  :-)

Your favorite…

All of a sudden we are hungry. Why is that? :-) Now, we invite you to join us with your own thoughts: (1) How do you define the meaning of comfort foods? (2) What are your favorite comfort foods? (3) What comfort foods will make it to your holiday dinners?

Unplugging in a Wired World (Revisited)

October 19th, 2015

by Dennis Powell, e-Management

 Are you more focused on your online or social media world than your in-person communications and interactions? (Photo Credit: blog.doctoroz.com)

Are you more focused on your online or social media world than your in-person communications and interactions? (Photo Credit: blog.doctoroz.com)

Let’s keep it real. Many of us are addicted to e-mail, social media, and all things Internet. If you think you are not obsessed with online technology, think about what life would be like if wireless networks went down and you had to live without your tablets (iPad, Google, Windows, Samsung, etc.) or mobile phones (Android, Blackberry, iPhone, etc.) for a few days. *add horror show music here*  :-)

Sure Internet-enabled technology has its benefits, including quick access to family members, lower cost for long distance communications; portable music, literature, and movies; and instant access to information about virtually any topic. Nevertheless, there are drawbacks. The online world may lead some of us to experience feelings of depression or anxiety. Then there is the fact that everything on the Internet is essentially traceable—leaving users vulnerable to online spies, con artists, or predators.

Tips to Unplug from the Internet, Apps, Games, or Social Media
The capacity for others to see our most intimate online communications is a little too “Big Brother” for my taste. Add to that, online communications can be extremely demanding on your time. So, I got to thinking. Are there ways people can unplug to become better connected to old fashion human interaction? Are they tricks to protect users from Internet surveillance or online predators? So I pulled together this short tip list.

  1. Try logging off for a weekend: Personally, Monday through Friday is the time I am most connected via mobile phone, text messaging, social media, and the Internet for work and personal use. During the weekends, I have essentially put in place an online moratorium. As a result, my weekends are free from various Internet interruptions and I can spend time with people who are dearest to me. In addition, I discourage the use of tech devices with the exception of the occasional camera phone when I am with my family and friends.
  2. Try blocking off time away from the Internet, online games, and mobile devices: Think about it, many parents limit their children’s access to television as a way to provide balance in their kids’ lives. Try using the same concept when it comes to your mobile devices and online communications (texting, social media, games, apps). If a weekend is too long for you to be offline, consider establishing a weekly or bi-monthly family and friend’s night out. Turn off the phones and Internet devices and keep them in “airplane” mode so that you are disconnected from the web, and can now focus on meaningful connections with loved ones.
  3. Learn how to protect your online privacy: ZDNet, an online tech resource, offered up several lines of protection from online spies including getting rid of social media altogether, turning off all GPS-tracking apps, and quit texting. These recommendations may seem draconian; but these simply activities will reduce how much private information you place on the Internet, making you less vulnerable to spies and hackers.
  4. Create a plan to limit one’s time online: A recent study by Anxiety UK, revealed more than 50% of people surveyed by the organization said they saw their lives change negatively with their increasing online interactions. As it turns out, too much online interaction may lead to online fights; may promote the perception that the user is less capable, attractive, or appealing than others online; and may lead to forms of anxiety. These are compelling reason to limit one’s online time. Try blocking off time for online communications and setting an alarm, which notifies you of when it’s time to “unplug.”

All about Balance
It’s kind of scary when you think about how connected we are to Internet-enabled communications and the impact it can have on our emotions and our very existence. Still, online communication is clearly an enjoyable experience for many of us. So, (1) What tips do you have to maintain a healthy online/offline balance? (2) Does online communication make us more social or anti-social? (3) What are some of the things about mobile devices and their users that drive you crazy?

Autumnal Anxiety?

September 10th, 2015

By Dennis Powell, e-Management

Autumn can be a spectacular. It can also be a stressful time for many professionals, parents, and families. (Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Autumn can be a spectacular. It can also be a stressful time for many professionals, parents, and families. (Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons)

September is here, which means meteorological summer will soon be but a distant memory. Autumn can be a stressful time for many professionals, parents, and families. Why? Students and workers are returning from summer break and vacations all at once, adding volume to traffic and increasing gridlock throughout various communities across the country. Plus, work life for many go from zero to 100, making professional life busier and often more hectic. *take a deep breath* Well, the e-Management blogging team sympathizes and has pulled together a short list of how to deal with all of the headaches, anxiety, and stress that are often associated with the beginning of Autumn and the back to school season.

  1. Eat well, stay active, and get plenty of water: Whether you are a student, parent, or professional, maintaining optimal health through a healthy diet and regular exercise is a great way to deal with autumnal stress. Nutritionist Michelle Stewart, MPH, RDLD/N, CDE, confirms that dehydration can make the body work extra hard when dealing with stress. In addition to drinking ample amounts of water as a way to lower stress levels, she recommends making “wise food choices” by consuming less high saturated fat foods and more whole (non-processed) foods like vegetables, grains, and fruits. Finally, fitness experts agree exercising including Zumba, swimming, cycling, jogging, yoga, and weight training is an effective tool for reducing the effects of stress.
  2. Keep the lines of communication open: For parents of anxious students who are starting classes or a new school, Elizabeth Scott, stress management expert and author of the , recommends parents talk and listen to their children’s anxiety around starting or returning to school. She advises that parents take the time to understand what their daughters’ and sons’ misgivings are around a new school year. Scott also suggests this may be a great time to talk about potential “bullies” and peer pressure. Essentially, she asserts that keeping the lines of communications open for your children can go a long way in their success.
  3. Prepare for the next day, the night before: For folks who are returning to work from vacation or employees preparing for a busy season at their jobs, planning may be the thing to relieve workplace related stress and anxiety. Jason Mannino, career coach and executive recruitment program manager at University of California (UC) Berkeley, recommends getting your clothing ready every evening. This simple act can actually reduce morning stress, which can carry over into the workplace. Mannino also recommends going to bed early and offers up tips for improving sleep, such as making the bedtime process an hour of unwinding down. Experts confirm benefits of sleep to include improved academic performance, fewer accidents, and yes less stress.
  4. Talk to yourself. It’s not necessarily a sign of mania. Instead, it can be a helpful tool in managing stress. The American Heart Association recommends highly stressed people incorporate “positive self-talk” into their daily routines. When faced with stressful situations, positive self-talk phrases like, “I’ve got this” or “Someday I’ll laugh about this” can control stress levels.
  5. Consider getting professional counseling: The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) reports in the that two out of every five employees say their job is “very” or “extremely stressful.” A survey from the American Psychological Association warns that young students who cope badly with stress may carry those ineffective habits into adulthood. It is important for youth and adults to find healthy ways of coping with stress and anxiety. Naturally, students and adults who are overwhelmed by life’s stress and anxiety levels should seek support from certified counselors or experts in stress management. Check out WebMD’s Anxiety & Panic Disorders Health Center for resources to assist in finding counsellors.

What do you think?

Hopefully, those tips were useful. Still, there are certainly more ways to reduce stress. So, we want to hear from you. (1) Does Autumn bring about more or less stress for you, your coworkers, or your family? (2) How to deal with school, home, or workplace stress?